SDK Core

Stream money with the Constant Flow Agreement using the SDK Core

The ConstantFlowAgreementV1 class provides access to the ConstantFlowAgreementV1 smart contract, allowing you to create/update/delete flows, update ACL permissions for an operator and modify flows on behalf of another account as an operator. You can access this class via the Framework class (sf.cfaV1) or initialize this as a standalone class.

Accessing the CFAv1 Contract

Using SDK Core Framework Object

// refresher on initializing the Framework
import { Framework } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const sf = await Framework.create({
  chainId: 137,

// access the cfaV1 object and get a flow via the created Framework class
const flowInfo = await sf.cfaV1.getFlow({
  superToken: "0x...",
  sender: "0x...",
  receiver: "0x...",
  providerOrSigner: "0x..."

Direct Initialization

import { ConstantFlowAgreementV1 } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";

const hostAddress = "0x3E14dC1b13c488a8d5D310918780c983bD5982E7";
const cfaV1Address = "0x6EeE6060f715257b970700bc2656De21dEdF074C";
const cfaV1ForwarderAddress = "0xcfA132E353cB4E398080B9700609bb008eceB125";

const cfaV1 = new ConstantFlowAgreementV1(hostAddress, cfaV1Address, cfaV1ForwarderAddress);
// get a flow via the standalone ConstantFlowAgreementV1 class
const flowInfo = await cfaV1.getFlow({
  superToken: "0x...",
  sender: "0x...",
  receiver: "0x...",
  providerOrSigner: "0x..."


Read Methods

getFlow: Get data on a stream between two accounts

getNetFlow: Get the net flow rate of an account for a certain Super Token

getAccountFlowInfo: Get summed flow data of an account for a certain Super Token

Write Methods

Create, Update, Delete

createFlow: Starts a stream from a sender to a chosen receiver

updateFlow: Updates an existing stream from a sender to a chosen receiver

deleteFlow: Cancels an existing stream from a sender to a chosen receiver

Create, Update, Delete with ACL Permissions

createFlowByOperator: Starts a stream between two accounts using ACL permissions

updateFlowByOperator: Updates a stream between two accounts using ACL permissions

deleteFlowByOperator: Deletes a stream between two accounts using ACL permissions

Manage ACL Permissions

updateFlowOperatorPermissions: Lets a sender set the ACL permissions of another account

revokeFlowOperatorPermissions: Revokes all ACL permissions that an account has over the sender's account

Example Usage

import { Framework } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider(

const sf = await Framework.create({
  chainId: 137,

const daix = await sf.loadSuperToken("DAIx");

// Read example
const flowInfo = await daix.getFlow({
  sender: "0x...",
  receiver: "0x...",
  providerOrSigner: provider
console.log("flowInfo", flowInfo);

// Write operation example
const signer = sf.createSigner({ privateKey: "<TEST_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY>", provider });
const createFlowOperation = daix.createFlow({
  sender: "0x...",
  receiver: "0x...",
  flowRate: "1000000000"
const txnResponse = await createFlowOperation.exec(signer);
const txnReceipt = await txnResponse.wait();
// Transaction Complete when code reaches here

Last updated

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