Hardhat Testing

Video Tutorial

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Example Code

Hardhat Example

We recommend including the following imports and deployment scripts when setting up your hardhat tests. The deployTestFramework() script will allow you to deploy the framework using the SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer contract, and to call deployWrapperSuperToken() to mint fake Super Tokens for your tests.

Dependencies you'll need are listed at the top of the file, but if you already have a hardhat project set up, you'll likely only need @superfluid-finance/sdk-core and @superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts.

const { expect } = require("chai")
const { Framework } = require("@superfluid-finance/sdk-core")
const { ethers } = require("hardhat")
const { deployTestFramework } = require("@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/dev-scripts/deploy-test-framework");
const TestToken = require("@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/build/contracts/TestToken.json")

let sfDeployer
let contractsFramework
let sf
let moneyRouter
let dai
let daix

// Test Accounts
let owner
let account1
let account2

const thousandEther = ethers.utils.parseEther("10000")

before(async function () {
    // get hardhat accounts
    [owner, account1, account2] = await ethers.getSigners();
    sfDeployer = await deployTestFramework();


    // deploy the framework locally
    contractsFramework = await sfDeployer.frameworkDeployer.getFramework()

    // initialize framework
    sf = await Framework.create({
        chainId: 31337,
        provider: owner.provider,
        resolverAddress: contractsFramework.resolver, // (empty)
        protocolReleaseVersion: "test"

    // // DEPLOYING DAI and DAI wrapper super token (which will be our `spreaderToken`)
    tokenDeployment = await sfDeployer.frameworkDeployer.deployWrapperSuperToken(
        "Fake DAI Token",

    // DEPLOYING DAI and DAI wrapper super token (which will be our `spreaderToken`)
    daix = await sf.loadSuperToken("fDAIx")
    dai = new ethers.Contract(
    // minting test DAI
    await dai.mint(owner.address, thousandEther)
    await dai.mint(account1.address, thousandEther)
    await dai.mint(account2.address, thousandEther)

    // approving DAIx to spend DAI (Super Token object is not an ethers contract object and has different operation syntax)
    await dai.approve(daix.address, ethers.constants.MaxInt256)
    await dai
        .approve(daix.address, ethers.constants.MaxInt256)
    await dai
        .approve(daix.address, ethers.constants.MaxInt256)
    // Upgrading all DAI to DAIx
    const ownerUpgrade = daix.upgrade({amount: thousandEther});
    const account1Upgrade = daix.upgrade({amount: thousandEther});
    const account2Upgrade = daix.upgrade({amount: thousandEther});

    await ownerUpgrade.exec(owner)
    await account1Upgrade.exec(account1)
    await account2Upgrade.exec(account2)

    let MoneyRouter = await ethers.getContractFactory("MoneyRouter", owner)

    moneyRouter = await MoneyRouter.deploy(
    await moneyRouter.deployed()

//Write your tests...

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