Super Apps
Making Super Agreements truly programmable
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Making Super Agreements truly programmable
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Super Apps are smart contracts that are registered with the Superfluid Protocol allowing them to react to Super Agreements. Through callbacks, a Super App can "react" to the creating, updating, and deleting of Super Agreements that it's been engaged with by means of customized logic set in its smart contract code.
Callbacks are what make Super Apps reactive. They are custom code that a developer can implement in a Super App that triggers when a Super Agreement to the Super App is created, updated, or deleted. This code could enact anything from minting an NFT to initiating a new CFA.
A Super App, programmed to take all inbound flows to it and aggregate them into a single outbound flow to the designated Account Z, is deployed.
1. Account A starts a CFA to the Super App of 100 USDCx/mo. In reaction, the Super App initiates an outbound CFA of 100 USDCx/mo. from itself to Account Z.
2. Account B starts a CFA to the Super App of 25 USDCx/mo and Account A updates its CFA to 50 USDCx/mo. The Super App reacts with the necessary flow update in its outbound CFA.
3. The Super App will continue to react appropriately as new accounts create, update, and delete CFAs to the Super App.
NOTE: While any smart contract can engage Super Agreements, a smart contract must have callbacks defined in order to be classified as a Super App.
What does it mean that a Super App must be "registered"? Upon deployment, code should be implemented in a Super App that identifies that the smart contract being deployed is in fact a Super App within the protocol.
Why's this needed? Basically, if a stream is started to an address, the Superfluid Protocol will check if the address is in its mapping of Super Apps. If the address is identified as a Super App, the Protocol will look to activate the Super App's callbacks. This is what makes Super Apps reactive!
Since Super Apps can react to Super Agreements, they create an intermediate layer of programmability to Super Agreement's that wouldn't be possible with just wallet-to-wallet action.
As a result, applications can be made that mesh together custom logic with Super Agreements actions to create scalable dApps with innovative user experiences.
For instance, you could create a lending Super App where loan repayment is be done via CFA stream rather than manual and repetitive repayment transactions. Also, imagine a Super App supporting on-chain subscriptions paid through CFA streams with a built-in affiliate program that automatically redirects portions of subscription streams to referrers. The possibilities with Super Apps are endless!
For more inspiration, check out these Super App examples below