Flow Rate Time Frames

Understand flow rate time denominations better

Superfluid Protocol accepts flow rates in wei/second! When you call createFlow or do any kind of operation where a flowRate parameter is required, be that with our Solidity library or with our SDK, you have to pass in a per-second rate.

So when I say I'm streaming you 10 DAIx/month, what flow rate am I really choosing under the hood? Read on to understand how to properly translate your desired flow rate into wei/second as per our standards.

Doing your math differently that what's suggested here may result in differences between how your flow rate shows between your expectations and what we show on our Superfluid Dashboard and Superfluid Console.

Reframing Flow Rates To Wei/Second

From Month

Ex: Convert a flow rate of 10 DAIx/month to a wei/sec flow rate.

 Monthly Time Frame = 10 DAIx / month
                    = 10 DAIx / ((365/12) * 24 * 60 * 60)
                    = 10 *  / ((365/12) * 24 * 60 * 60)
 Wei/Sec Flow Rate  = 3805175038052 wei / second

If you didn't follow our recommendation and did this calculation by dividing by (30 * 24 * 60 * 60), you'd end up with a slightly larger wei/sec flow rate of 3858024691358 which would result in your stream showing as slightly larger on our Dashboard and Console.

From Year

Ex: Convert a flow rate of 100 DAIx/year to a wei/sec flow rate.

  Yearly Time Frame = 100 DAIx / year
                     = 100 DAIx / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
                     = 100 * (10^18) / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
  Wei/Sec Flow Rate  = 3170979198376 wei / second

Last updated

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