Write Methods

Using SDK Core Write Operations

Write operations are instantiated and then executed with the exec function. See below 👇

//load the token you'd like to use like this 
//note that tokens may be loaded by symbol or by address
const daix = await sf.loadSuperToken("DAIx");

// 1) Instantiate operation to create a 100,000 wei/second stream
let createFlowOp = daix.createFlow({
  sender: "0xAbC...",    // Alice's address
  receiver: "0xXyZ...",
  flowRate: "100000",

// 2) Execute operation on aliceSigner
await createFlowOp.exec(aliceSigner);

Conveniently, this lets you recycle the operation. Say you want to call the same createFlow operation again - you can reuse the operation object on aliceSigner!

// 3) Use the same operation object to create 100,000 wei/second stream again
await createFlowOp.exec(aliceSigner);

Method Catalog

// Regular Usage

//load the token you'd like to use like this 
//note that tokens may be loaded by symbol or by address
const daix = await sf.loadSuperToken("DAIx");

  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  flowRate: string,
  userData?: string

  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  flowRate: string,
  userData?: string

  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  userData?: string

// Flow Operator Usage

  flowOperator: string,
  permissions: number, // should enter 1-7
  flowRateAllowance: string

  flowOperator: string

  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  flowRate: string,
  userData?: string

  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  flowRate: string,
  userData?: string

  sender: string,
  receiver: string,
  userData?: string

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